I'm feeling homesick, what do I do?

Whilst many find the idea of moving away exciting, for some it can be a big worry.

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Many of us arriving at University have never lived on our own and the transition to higher education can be daunting.

According to the National Union of Students (NUS), while it typically affects 50-70% of students during their first few months at university, most students' symptoms fade after their third week.

Symptoms of homesickness include: lack of appetite, disturbed sleeping pattern, feeling nervous or sad, feeling withdrawn or lonely, feeling overwhelmed or anxious, feelings of low self-esteem or self-worth, and headaches.

If you're feeling worried when you arrived, we understand and have an Advice Service you can get in touch with. greenwichsu.co.uk/advice

However, before you get in touch, try some of these tips to see if you can tackle homesickness on your own.

Join a Society of Sports club

Student groups are great opportunities to meet people with similar interests to you. You can find their contact details online, or at the Welcome Fairs. Find more details on our website and find the group that is right for you.

Stay in regular contact with friends and family

Let them know what you're up to, have a set time for an evening call, don't forget that they've been there for you before University and they still care about you now.

Keep a mood diary

Start writing down how you feel each day and see if some days are actually better than others. As we've outlined homesickness does tend to go after a few weeks, it's good to be able to look back and see things aren't as daunting as you first thought!

Get moving

GSU run free fitness through GSUmove, as we know that keeping active is a great way to be healthy. We even offer free yoga sessions for a healthy mind.

Stop by a buddy bench

There are benches that have been painted blue on each campus. There is a QR code on the bench you can scan to take you to the STAART webpage. The purpose of the benches is for people to sit down and have a conversation.

Changing or leaving your course should always be a last resort. You've made it this far, and we want you to give it a good shot!


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