When studying it may be necessary to find employment to supplement your income, below are some basic pointers when considering this.
The Student Union and the University of Greenwich provide Job Shops to help you find employment and learn new skills.
As well as earning money you can improve your CV and life skills which are all key to future employers when you graduate.
Kent Union run a Jobshop as do Greenwich Student Union. The University of Greenwich also run their own Jobshop.
National Insurance Number (NINO)
You should have been sent a NINO just before your 16th birthday if you live in the UK and your parents/guardians are receiving Child Benefit for you.
If you haven't received a NINO or if you are an international student and require a NINO to work for an employer in the UK then you can find information on obtaining a NINO on the Government website.
Employment Disputes
We don't offer direct advice in this area as it can be very specialised and complex. If you are a member of a Trade Union we would advise you to speak to them regarding any concerns you have.
Alternatively a good starting point is ACAS as they offer free impartial advice.
Last Edited: March 2025